Friday, March 26, 2010

And then she realized..

How absolutely ridiculous the wreath looked.  And that the porch looks like it should be in Who-ville.  The wreath has been ripped off the door and it’s on to plan B.  Too bad I don’t know what plan B entails…

What you do when you can no longer stand to look at your porch.

Yesterday, I went outside to do something while Little Monkey napped and completely forgot what I went out there to do when I looked at this:

Beach kitchen and march 10 036

We got two of these trees about 4 years ago and over time, leaves have fallen off, the tops have broken and what once were dark green leaves are now almost blue.  I’ve been considering just throwing them away, but WE PAID A LOT OF MONEY FOR THOSE SUCKERS.  So, I started ripping leaves off to see what I could do with them.

Beach kitchen and march 10 038

One down, and now I realize the Christmas wreath is still on the door.  Yes, people, I realize it’s almost April!  At least I got the rest of decorations up before February.  (Seriously, one year it took us until March, not a proud moment.) 

Beach kitchen and march 10 043 

I’m not thrilled with the ribbon and I don’t know what else to do with the topiaries?  But I think they have potential.  I was thinking more twinkly lights, but it needs MORE.  When we have a day where we don’t have a million and one things to do, I’ll go in search of ribbon and “stuff” for the topiaries and once again love my porch.

In the meantime, at least I have the right seasonal wreath on door.  That’s something, right?!?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mirror Mirror, On the Wall

A couple of weeks ago Grover and I were in TJ Maxx/Homegoods and found the perfect mirror for our guest bathroom. Unfortunately, the price tag wasn’t perfect. $40 for a simple mirror was just too much to stomach. Upon closer inspection, we decided we could make on ourselves. Ok, Grover decided he could do it. I just supervise!

We found this mirror in Big Lots for $10.

March 10 Projects 002Grover took the mirror out of the frame and made this:

March 10 Projects 009This was all out of scraps, so basically the project cost $10 for the mirror and the frame can be saved for a future project. Sounds better than $40 to me!

Here is a before and after of the finished mirror in the bathroom!

March 10 Projects 012

And here is my new mirror in its new home:

March 10 Projects 015

I would like to put a couple of hooks under the shelf, but haven’t found the perfect ones just yet. Also, I’m still looking for the perfect accessories, but that will come eventually. For now, Little Monkey likes to stick a toothbrush up there..

Thanks for reading,